Musk Says Working for Him Is Job No American Would Want

Andy Borowitz / The Borowitz Report
Musk Says Working for Him Is Job No American Would Want Elon Musk. (photo: Trevor Cokley/US Air Force/US DOD)

The article below is satire. Andy Borowitz is an American comedian and New York Times-bestselling author who satirizes the news for his column, "The Borowitz Report."

Defending the H-1B visa program, Elon Musk said on Monday that working for him “is a job no American would want.”

“There is this myth that workers on H-1B visas will be taking away jobs from Americans,” he said. “The truth is, the only people willing to work for me are foreigners with little to no access to information about me.”

Explaining why foreign workers are uniquely suited for such employment, he added, “If you have to listen to me talk for extended periods, not knowing English is a huge asset.”

Marshaling data to support his argument, Musk said, “People who have worked for me are much like Donald Trump’s wives—67 percent have been foreign.”

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