Well, If It Isn't Roger Stone's Time to Shine Before the January 6 Committee

Charles Pierce / Esquire

The committee plans to show documentary footage of the old goon laying out the whole plan.

In 2017, a documentary entitled Get Me Roger Stone was released to almost universal acclaim. It was generally true to its subject, who had made a career of being false to democracy. There nonetheless were those of us who were horrified because there seemed to be an underlying theme to the film that Stone was not merely an accomplished ratfcker who’d begat an entire generation of accomplished ratfckers and who hadn’t drawn a breath in his adult life when he wasn’t despoiling the American republic, but also a bit of a roguish political highwayman. Hey, he’s even got Nixon’s face tattooed on his back. What a card! But the film since has become more valuable in that it illuminates the fact that Stone saw the political potential of El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago before anyone else did. Game knows game, after all.

It apparently will be Stone’s time to shine — or, to use his own metaphor, his time in the barrel — on Wednesday when the special committee investigating the events of January 6, 2021 gavels itself back into public session. The committee members and staff went to Denmark to interview some filmmakers who’d spent that day with Stone and took several miles of footage. From the Washington Post:

“It’s going to be really nasty,” Stone said at home on July 9, 2020, predicting that Democrats would try to steal the election. “If the electors show up at the electoral college, armed guards will throw them out,” he said, apparently referring to ceremonial meetings of electors in state capitals.

“‘I’m the president. F--- you,’ ” Stone said, imagining Trump’s remarks. “‘You’re not stealing Florida, you’re not stealing Ohio. I’m challenging all of it, and the judges we’re going to are judges I appointed.’”

In another clip selected by the committee, Stone talked of violence after attending a rally for a Trump ally, Rep. Douglas A. Collins (R-Ga.), the day before the election. “F--- the voting, let’s get right to the violence. Shoot to kill, see an antifa, shoot to kill. F--- ’em. Done with this bulls---.” Stone immediately followed this with: “I am of course only kidding. We renounce violence completely. We totally renounce violence. The left is the only ones who engage in violence.”

CNN had even more from the Danish filmmakers.

In a second clip of the documentary, also obtained by CNN, Stone said that Trump should prematurely claim victory on election night 2020.“I really do suspect it’ll still be up in the air. When that happens, the key thing to do is to claim victory. Possession is nine tenths of the law, no we won,” Stone said on November 1, 2020, according to the footage. In another clip, filmed a week after January 6, Stone is seen criticizing the White House Counsel’s Office for what he described as their argument that Trump could not provide preemptive pardons to Stone and others for their alleged involvement in efforts to overturn the election. “I believe the President is for it. The obstacles are these – are these lily livered, weak kneed, bureaucrats in the White House Counsel’s Office and now they must be crushed because they’ve told the President something that’s not true,” Stone says in the clip.

There was a plan. He was part of it. A great deal of it was carried out. Everything else is a sideshow. There was a plan.